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Women's Ministry

On the third Saturday of every month at 10:00 am we gather for a devotion and a meal along with some type of activity. The activities range from Spa Days to creating your Prayer Jar. Every month we like to do some type of outreach collection for Granite City ranging from Blessing Bags for cancer patients, baby items for Mosaic Pregnancy Health Center, and food for Food Banks.

Men's Ministry

On the third Saturday of every month at 10:00 am we gather for a devotion and a meal. Every month we like to do some type of outreach collection for Granite City ranging from Blessing Bags for cancer patients, baby items for Mosaic Pregnancy Health Center, and food for Food Banks.

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Crock Pot Sunday
October 20th  

Following the morning service, we will gather for our Crock Pot Sunday Lunch. Please bring your crock pot or other food item to church and find an outlet to plug it into!!

Clothing Closet

Due to COVID-19, the Clothing Closet is available by appointment only at 618-304-3454. Winter coats are in!! Please LEAVE a message, and Shirley will get back to you. Face masks are required when visiting the Clothing Closet.  Please enter through the glass door closet to the mailbox.

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Church Wide Events

Just about every month Calvary has some type of FREE church wide event that is open to the public! We would love for you to join us and feel the LOVE!

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